Friday, December 2, 2011

I am addicting to looking perfect and FYF!!

Yet again I bought a bottle of OxyELITE Pro. (Yes, I know I did have an issue with it, but I waited 2 months to get this botttle) This time I added Omega Cuts Extreme Muscle Definition. I have 20 damn pounds to go!!!! The scale this morning screamed 155!!! Two months with no supplements, lots of stress, little to no exercise, and no weight gain! I can wear my daughters size 9 skinny jeans!!! With the 20 pounds I need to loose I know I will be a 7 quick! Realisticly size 5 isn't going to happen, but HELL I didn't think I would see this!!! I feel freaking awesome! Also, Thanks to a very sexy woman yesterday I saw for the first time the body I have now and not a 500 pound beached whale! I had to go to Victoria Secret's and get remeasured for bras. 36 D!!!! Damn near a 34 !!!! That alone will make a woman who has worked hard realize her accomplishments! It's not just the pants getting bigger! I needed to see the whole package! So I poured myself into a corset, which I haven't been able to wear from there in 6 years!) and I found my self feeling sexy! I came up with the perfect outfit for New Years Eve! Even if we don't go anyhere! That corset top, some jeans that fit, and these sexy ass Zebra heels I bought! OOPS! I hope the hubby doesn't read this!!!!!

Now for my Fuck You Friday!!!

Fuck You Aafes!!!!!!!!!!!! They are not allowing OxyElite Pro to be sold on post anymore! It's too strong. (If you ask me it's helping with the weight program people and they can't kick them out!)

Fuck you to the Stores!!!!!! I can't find a sexy zebra shirt to wear with mynew heels.

Fuck You sickness that has latched onto Zoe! I need you to go away and find a field mouse or something else!

Fuck You Stephen!!!!!! For years I struggled with how I look due to the women you cheated with! I have now realized I wasted time. It was never me! It was you! I am beautiful and sexy. You knew you would never top me so you had to go lower!

I have made a lot of self improvement. I have done a lot of thinking! The negative is gone. Carefree, happy, and bitchy Jen is back! I have to be extra strong for Zoe and I want her to see positives not negatives! 

Have a great weekend everyone.! This isn't spell checked due to time issues. That and I just don't 

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